Top Tips for Saving on Your Energy Bills

Top Tips for Saving on Your Energy Bills


1. Insulate your home in every way possible
It’s not the most thrilling of solutions, but in terms of saving money, it is a tried and true method. Loft and wall insulation are relatively cheap to get installed in your home (in the case of loft insulation there are government grants that can help). On the other hand, double glazing has shed its reputation for being an ugly addition to a property’s façade, and can now be purchased in a range of styles. These additions will turn your home into a toasty fortress, whilst also saving you over €375 a year in energy bills.

2. Harness the Sun
With the vast majority of the public believing the myth that solar panels only work when it’s sunny, many wouldn’t think of turning to solar as a method for bringing your winter bills down. If you plan on living in your current property for many years, investing in solar panels is a great way for making long-term savings.

3. Turn-Off Your Electronic Items
It slips most people’s minds to switch off electronic items, especially when most modern technology like games consoles and mobile devices that require a constant internet connection to function quickly. Ensuring that you turn off any electronic items that you aren’t using could save you €30 a year.

4. Boiler and Thermostats
If you live in a property with an older boiler, you might want to consider buying a more energy-efficient version. The current models could save you over €300 a year on your bills. If the cost of installation seems a little high, you could always consider having a service, which can help to make them more efficient. It’s also important to control your heating with your thermostat. Turning it down by as much as one degree can save you €80 a year.

5. Get Smart Control
Being able to control your heating via a mobile app, means you can manage the temperature of your home. Perfect for when no one’s home and the heating or air con is still running at full blast.